Who Needs You - The Orwells

Who Needs You 总有那么一些歌因为乐队知名度的问题各种FM各种推荐的歌单都推不倒你哪里,可是偏偏这首歌又特别棒!今天这首Who Needs You来自The Orwells:美国五人摇滚乐队,当五名成员还是高中生时就组成了这个乐队,额~我们高中都在干什么。。。不管怎样,听完这首歌整个人都开始热血起来了,正如歌词里唱的:”墨守成规的人听好了,我不想听你的说教。“管他什么狗屁其他,去做想做的事!


《Who Needs You》

You better toss your bullets
You better hide your guns
You better help the children
Let 'em have some fun
You better count your blessings
Kiss mama and pa
You better burn that flag
Cause it ain't against the law

You better pledge your allegiance
You're not the only one
Listen up forefathers
I'm not your son
You better save the country
You better pass the flask
You better join the army
I said: no thank you dear old uncle sam

You better toss tour bullets
You better hide your guns
You better help the children
Let them have some fun


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